This Is Why Everyone Should Learn An Instrument! (Blog #1)

       Did you know playing an instrument is proven to help improve brain function? As if this is not enough of a reason to learn an instrument already, I hope I can convince you to at the bare minimum to at least consider it! As someone who has been playing guitar for a little over a year, I love it and consider it to be one of the best endeavors I have ever pursued. It has taught me so many important lessons such as, not everything will come easy, and great things take great time and effort.

Credit: Jeff Beck

       Playing an instrument has been proven to be very beneficial to health. One way people benefit from this amazing activity is by having improved motor skills. Also, did you know that more than half of the U.S. population regret not learning an instrument? That is a staggering statistic that you can avoid being a part of by just finding an instrument you love and making the worthwhile investment to learn now. A lot of people claim that they simply are not musically gifted, but from experience I have learned that you are capable of learning anything! When I first had the thought of learning the guitar I had the same thought process, "I don't know if I could learn an instrument". I thought this for a while until I eventually took the leap of faith to buy a guitar and try my best to learn how to play guitar. My first goal was to learn the riff from "Enter Sandman" by Metallica, and sure enough, it was horrible when I first attempted it. However, after learning and practicing some easier riffs I eventually mastered this riff! Now it is one of the easiest things to play on guitar for me.

  Credit: Metallica

    Learning the riff for "Enter Sandman" taught me some valuable lessons. One being that nothing in life worth having comes easy, and that great things will take great effort and time. These are just a few of the things an instrument can teach you, and on top of the proven health benefits I hope you see why I greatly recommend learning an instrument. As someone who wants to die with no regrets, I rest easy knowing that I will never be a part of the 58% of the U.S. population who regret not learning an instrument. Will you be able to say the same?


  1. Your argument is somewhat convincing and I totally agree with the time and effort it takes to learn an instrument. A majority of my life is spent surrounded by music and I happened to have the opportunity to play the piano during high school and it definitely took major effort, I enjoyed it sometimes and hated it for most of it but at least I tried! I didn't play or tried hard enough to get the advantages of improving my brain functions but it was worth a shot.

  2. As someone who is part of the population that regrets not leaning an instrument, i can say your article has tapped into my curiosity. I've always wanted to learn an instrument but was never particularly talented. As a result, I would always say "I'm not musically inclined." I think I am going to follow my curiosity as of now and try to learn play an instrument.

  3. Coming from someone who has been around music, or played an instrument pretty much all my life I couldn't agree with your post more. It helps me stay balanced in my day-to-day life and keeps my brain sharp by always learning new things! It's definitely not easy learning an instrument by any means, however it is so worth it when you do.

  4. I think it's really cool you had so much evidence to back up your point. Most people will just say "oh you should learn an instrument!" or "Just try it!" but you really showed me why it would be beneficial. I have always been involved musically so I can play a few things here and there on different instruments, but besides in 4th grade when I played the clarinet (which idk how to play anymore), I've never really committed to learning an instrument. The guitar and piano have always been the instruments that I would really love to learn.

  5. Engaging and interesting post as evidenced by your peers' comments above. You've done a great job of integrating hyperlinks to provide support and further engage the reader with your topic. And as someone who has played 3 different instruments, I agree with you!


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